Lime field names and values

In order to use this integration, you have to have knowledge of the customer Lime database, what objects are available, what their names are and what fields are available and required on each object.

It is very important to pay attention to data types. An email field in Lime will expect an email address and a date field in Lime will except a date. The Lime API will fail if you for example try to set an email field as a date, and vice versa.

Boolean fields

If you want to set Boolean fields in Lime you need to set the Forms value to “TRUE”, which will automatically be converted to a true Boolean value before it is sent to Lime.

Date fields

If you want to set Date fields in Lime you need to use the Forms date fields, which will be automatically converted to a date format Lime understands before it is sent to Lime.

Email fields

If you want to set an Email field in Lime you should use the Forms email field, which by default will validate that the email address entered is a correctly formatted email address.